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Taiwan Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage


Statement of the Investigation on the Taiwanese Businessman Suspected of Violating the Communicable Disease Control Act Article 62

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2020-03-20
  • View count:480

Statement of the Investigation on the Taiwanese Businessman Suspected of Violating the Communicable Disease Control Act Article 62

On January 25, 2020, Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office(KSDP) was informed by Kaohsiung Regional Food Security and Environment Protection Network that a Taiwanese businessman suspected of violating Article 62 of the Communicable Disease Control Act. KSDP immediately

assigned head prosecutor Zhu Wanqi(朱婉綺) and procecutor Wu Shaoqin(吳韶芹), members of combating crime against livelihood task force, to lead a special team including policemen of Kaohsiung City Government Police Department Lingya Precinct and staff of Kaohsiung Department of Health to investigate thoroughly the case.


In the afternoon on February 10, 2020, the prosecutor Wu Shaoqin initiated a remote video interrogation by cellphones in investigation room, meanwhile two cameras were set up on both sides to guarantee  the due process. The period of the interrogation is about 37 minutes. Prosecutor Wu mainly probed the whereabouts of the Taiwanese businessman after returning to Taiwan, who he contacted with, and his understanding of his illness. It is preliminarily ruled out that the contacted persons have been diagnosed with the disease. The prosecutor and the special task force will continue to unveil the details of the offences. After questioning by the prosecutor, the Taiwan businessman is free without bail.


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